About Me

In Academia Cafe

I’m an Executive Officer of Academia Café. Academia Café is a non-profit academic sharing community under the Chinese Doctoral Students Association (CDSA). Academia Café regularly organizes workshops and community events centered on academic and personal development to build an inclusive and growing-oriented community of academics centered on internal mutual support and external public sharing.

In COMputation Island

I’m an editor of COMputation Island (“计传岛” in Chinese) . COMputation Island is a WeChat-based online platform for developing computational communication research (CCR) and computational social science research, founded by Yingdan Lu from Stanford University, and co-founded with Yiyan Zhang from Boston University and Zening Duan from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

In Swarm Club

I’m an operation assistant at Computational Social Science Websenimar in Swarm Club. Swarm Club was founded by Jiang Zhang, a professor at School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University. Swarm Club is a group of explorers engaged in academic research and enjoying the fun of science.